Bajo Jane Doll

Bajo Jane Doll



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That’s Jane! She’s a rag doll with long legs and hands. What makes her different from other dolls? Jane is a unique doll. She does not like to dress up but play sports, so together with her friends she exercises a lot. As a result, all of them are in great shape and no one can match them in acrobatics. Jane is also a great pal and companion. She prefers to spend time outdoors, surrounded by nature. Playing with this doll will be very beneficial – in her company a child can engage in role-play and little theatre. These kinds of activities significantly contribute to a child’s healthy development, help practice the ability to translate its thoughts into words and to solve its problems.

Made in Poland.

 Size: 10.50 Cm /  25.00 Cm /  10.50 Cm