Northern Light Candle Company’s original beeswax tealight refills Northern Light’s longest burning tealight – designed so that every drop of the beeswax is used. No wastage and the safest fume rating of any candle, Each Tea Light will burn perfectly within the re-usable Australian-made tins and German Pyrex glass Light Bubble. These tealights are made from 100% organic Australian beeswax and cotton candlewick. Safe, economical and created by a company that has a long and ardent devotion for bees. A Northern L...
100% recycled tealight tins: these are the only Australian-made tealight tins available on the market. Some Northern LIght loyal customers have been using the same tealight tins for over eighteen years! That is genuine sustainability. All alternatives are made from aluminum or plastic and produced with considerable carbon footprint. Aluminum is a known impacter on the environment, a hard hitting one at that. Northern Light competitors use aluminum disposable cups because they are cheap, with little regard for...
This pack is light, economical and transportable… ideal for all journeys Keeps you warm wherever you go. The sturdy pack contains 5 beautiful handcrafted pure organic beeswax tealights plus re-usable Australian tin container. Often the most perfect things come in little packages.
3 of Australia’s original beeswax tealights within 3 handblown Pyrex glass light bubbles suspended within sustainable packaging. Northern Light’s famous beeswax tealight, guaranteed to burn 7 to 8 hours. Purpose built, will burn out every last drop of wax with art filled beauty. The light reflects through both of the curved glasses; the bottoms and sides, and through the molten, golden wax. This Pyrex glass light bubble can be cleaned without leaving any marks on the walls. To use the Light Bubble simply load ...